Landscape mode support?

Curious if and when this might get implemented? While I enjoy the convenience and Alexa support, this is the only app on my wall mounted iPads that everyone must view at sideways. In fact I can discuss every positive on this device to friends and family but they always ask, “why is it sideways?” It is a bit odd that my cameras, zwave, thermostat, etc are all landscaope, except for this app.


The mobile app is designed for phones (just like Instagram and some other apps). If you want to view it landscape mode on an iPad, you can use the web app.

Actually Linn, far more apps support landscape mode these days than not due to the prevalence of mobile app proliferation in many aspects of everyone’s lives. There is a significant difference between Instagram and a home automation app. Again, as stated all of the apps I have on my mobile devices support landscape mode and to lack that feature is a huge miss in 2016.

FYI, I don’t have an opinion one way or the other. Just stating the facts.

I just purchased a 9.7" tablet and find the portrait interface awkward as well.

@703control Have you tried using the web app on your tablet?

Yes, I have used the web app with some success, but it occasionally requires re-entry of the username and password like any web app. I have discovered an Android app called Ultimate Rotation Control for $2.99 which allows me to launch and control the orientation of all apps individually (per app settings). This has completely solved the rachio issue and many others.

Yes!! Please add Landscape mode support this year :grinning: A lot of people like me use our iPads while home and rarely use my phone for smart home interactions. A big beautiful landscape UI with our custom pictures from our zones would look and interact very nicely.


Just got the new app for iPad and am very disappointed that landscape mode still has not been added. What gives??