Howdy! Newbie seeking help and info

@DLane I think @Attirex was asking if you can use the app over cellular? If that’s the case the app can be used from anywhere that your phone is able to connect to the internet, if not I’ll continue working on my interstellar communications protocol.



@franz - you’re probably right. I read the message too quickly and got excited to use Star Trek metaphors that I read more into the question. So both possibilities are answered now.

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Maybe I am missing something but why would you need to have Alexa or Hoohle home water your lawn. This seems like one of those technologies especially with the automation of weather and all that becomes a set it and forget device. I can never see why I would ask my google home to do this. Just not making the connection. Sorry.

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Thanks for info re: cellular.

Of course, I get a Rachio and are now having rainiest week ever. You’re welcome.

JP, I agree that the voice-control feature is not entirely…practical/necessary. But it definitely has “wow” factor. Takes a lot to impress my kids these days (rotten ingrates), and even they were impressed when I turned on sprinklers with Alexa. But beyond that…well…